A few example sentences

A few of the large farmers have land extending over 10 hectares or more.These sheets can be so thin that a thousand can be layered into a mica sheet of a few centimeters high.She has to walk a long way and returns after a few hours.They have formed global organisations against war and against domination of the world by a few countries and business companies.Let us now study the distribution of a few major minerals in India.However, mismanagement of the water has largely led to the benefits being cornered by a few people.Within a few hours of counting, all the results are declared and it becomes clear as to who will form the next government.If the present trend of resource depletion by a few individuals and countries continues, the future of our planet is in danger.Pace the room, look out of the window at a few bobbing umbrellas.Moreover, as the procurement is concentrated in a few prosperous regions (Punjab, Haryana, Western Uttar Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh and to a lesser extent in West Bengal) and mainly of two crops wheat and rice increase in MSP has induced farmers, particularly in surplus states, to divert land from production of coarse grains, which is the staple food of the poor, to the production of rice and wheat.For example, he may be shown a few photos of baby girls and he must say which one his bride is.One day a few leaves of the twigs burning under the pot fell into the water giving it a delicious flavour.We shall take a look at both these types of activities, after learning a few general things about production.When they reached Sophie's street Jansie said, “It's only a few months away now, Soaf, you really should be sensible.The monsoons are a time of great fun and even a few adventures: playing in the rain and getting wet, wading through knee-deep water on your way to school, water flooding the house or the classroom, powercuts and so on.

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